Health & Wellbeing product for the self-care agenda
DIP 2025 Brief

The global healthcare and wellbeing market is estimated to be worth more than $1.5 trillion, with annual growth predicted between 5 and 10 per cent. With this increasing focus on health and personal wellbeing, there is significant demand for products that seamlessly integrate into daily life while promoting physical and mental wellness for health-conscious individuals.
You are invited to design a product, primarily from plastics, which meets the trend of consumers seeking to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing. For example, consideration could be given to indoor or outdoor products which encourage consumers to attain their fitness goals or which allow users to monitor their own symptoms between medical appointments. Ultimately, with potential users ranging from young adults to the elderly, a wide range of exciting and innovative ideas and opportunities exist!
Your design must be original, and needs to be a physical product, not an app, so please undertake a thorough research of existing products and patents to ensure the uniqueness of your idea. Particular consideration should also be given to sustainability and life cycle, together with manufacturing costs and commercial potential of your idea. Please refer to sections on our website detailing judges’ criteria, and how to submit.
The Brief & How to Submit
14 March 2025 Submission deadline
28 March 2025 Preliminary judging
14-16 April 2025 Sumitomo Demag course
9 May 2025 Final Judging
20 June 2025 Award ceremony

1st £1,000
2nd £750
3rd £500
Highly Commended £250
All six finalists receive a cash prize, a placement with a DIP sponsor or an industrial course, and a year’s affiliate membership of IOM3.
1. Create a single pdf file with max 4 x A3 pages at 120 dpi resolution
2. Do NOT include name or university on your A3 slides
3. Name your file: DIP_ University_Surname, i.e. DIP_TDUB_Taylor
4. Email your files if smaller than 25MB to: dip.award@gmail.com. If files are larger than 25MB, use WeTransfer to send it to us (not to exceed 6MB)
5. Wait for a confirmation from us that we have received your entry. If you don't receive one, follow up with us.
How to Submit

Judges' Criteria
1. Adherence to brief:proof that the design has addressed what is required and the circular economy has been addressed and understood.
2. Originality: innovation in function, form or use of materials, or a radical solution to an existing problem has been demonstrated. Investigation of IP and patents has been undertaken.
3. Manufacture:indication that issues of cost-effective and sustainable production have been considered, from tooling and manufacture to marketing and disposal; an imaginative, intelligent and appropriate use of polymers, indicating that research has been carried out into materials and processing.
4. Sustainability:evidence that an understanding of the principles of sustainability has been applied to the design.
5. Presentation:a clear representation of the design and method of construction, and an indication of all the materials used. The first sheet should clearly explain, in five bullet points, why your design answers the brief. Maximum 10 points